
Management and Organization of Conferences, Formalities, and Major Events


The British Academy for Training and Development presents this course in (Management and Organization of Conferences, Formalities, and Major Events), to all professionals wishing to acquire great skills for management of international media, and to acquire advanced qualities of PR Management.

The starting point of dealing with Very Important Events & Persons is that the Protocol and PR Officers puts the concerned personality in his or her natural position, as a human being in the first and foremost place, without sanctification or over simplification or disregard. Protocol and Etiquette are codes of behavior that delineate expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group. The application of Etiquette and Protocol rules and principles is a sure sign of respect and appreciation for human beings, whom were preferred by God over all other creatures. This course would be provided from various perspectives of different cultures, customs and policies, this course offered by the Academy in accordance with the adopted modern international protocols for international relations.

Public relations contribute to the effectiveness of organizations by improving organizational relationships, facilitating public talks and discussions. This course offered by the British Academy for Training and Development helps trainees develop an important assessment of the role of PR in the community and the development of analytical and professional skills. Public relations have authority over corporate social responsibility through Crisis Management Function and responsibility for corporate reputation, which necessarily means helping to change organizations to achieve new sustainability agendas.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development presents this course for the following audience:

  • Professionals in charge of Formalities and Protocol Procedures for International Conferences and Events.
  • Employees working in the PR Sector.
  • Officials in Diplomatic Sector.
  • Directors of various companies and enterprises.
  • Businessmen, shareholders, and business owners wishing to develop their abilities in Media Management.
  • Employees assigned to deal and interact with important and concerned personalities and ensure that these interactions go as professionally as possible.
  • Media and news professionals and broadcasters.
  • Administrative staff in PR Sector.
  • Protocol officers in charge of management and organization of conferences.
  • Students and graduates of media colleges in different universities.
  • Trainees with years of experience in communications or PR.

How will participants benefit from the course?

After completing the program, participants will be able to learn:

  • Ceremonial Formalities of the opening session of the conferences.
  • Identifying the general principles of international formalities.
  • Unified and comprehensive concepts of Etiquette and International Protocol.
  • The Art of Protocol and Etiquette of body languages in official forums.
  • Understanding the universal principles of protocol, etiquette, professional code of conduct.
  • Directing and managing personal dynamics at important meetings.
  • Creating a good impression and avoid misconducts or embarrassing practices in important situations.
  • Concepts that determine priorities between individuals.
  • International Principles of Etiquette and Communication.

Course Content

  • Principles of Protocol and Etiquette.
  • Appropriate professional and personal conduct.
  • Preparing and hosting VIP visits and official events.
  • International and local differences of cultures and people perceptions.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

Related Course


Excellence in Public Relations Management and Protocol Performance Course





£4180 £4180
